FALLing #2

sex shower

As soon as my alarm goes off, I feel butterflies in my stomach; my heart is pounding and my hands are sweaty. Today is the day. I’m seeing Steven again. Shaking a little, I walk downstairs. A cup of tea in combination with the melodies of Ludovici Einaudi calm me down. My butterflies change into enthousiasm and when I finish my cup of tea, I take a long, hot shower first. Ten minutes too early, I arrive at the car park on the edge of the forest. I have enough time to look at my reflection in the shiny surface of my car. I did my best with my outfit, but I still feel insecure. You can’t exactly wear sexy heals and a nice dress if you go for a walk in the forest. I don’t know what to do and I feel awkward, so I go back in the car. At least that way Steven won’t know that I’ve been waiting for him for a while. When Steven arrives at the car park, I get out of my car and walk towards him. He greets me with a kiss on my cheek. I immediately feel butterflies again and my cheeks flush red. I hardly recognise this intense feeling, this is not who I am. Steven sees my red cheeks, laughs, and takes my hand. “Now we won’t lose each other”. My cheeks flush even more. While I’m staring at the ground, I mutter something about following the blue arrows. 

What Steven does to me is incomprehensible. The sexual tension is clearly there, but that’s not all. His beautiful personality makes me automatically open up to him.

After a couple of kilometers, the weather changes: the wind starts blowing and it starts drizzling. Our love for the forest, the beautiful autumn colours, and being outside easily overcomes the inconvenience of a couple of rain drops. Not much later however, it starts to pour. Steven quickly pulls me under a large tree and before I know it I’m in his arms, leaning against his chest. When I look up at him, his look changes. I don’t have time to think. My body takes over and I push my face towards his. We eagerly kiss each other while the rain falls around us. I don’t really notice the rain, until Steven places his hand on my neck. This is not as romantic when you’re soaking wet… Steven asks if I want to go with him and warm up at his house. He doesn’t have to ask twice and I nod in agreement. Perhaps I will have another chance to lean against him. I already felt his strong body under the tree. Despite the rain, it made me feel hot. While I’m following Steven in my car to his house, I wonder what his expectations are, but I also ask myself what I want. He makes me feel so much: unrest, passion, enthusiasm, spontaneity, uncertainty, imbalance; I feel it all. I let them fill my mind one by one and decide to just enjoy it.

My butterflies take over again when I near his house. I want him so badly, but do I dare take the first step?

While Steven peels my wet jacket off my body, I feel the sexual tension flare up. I let my fingers glide over his face and I kiss him until he completely leans into me. My body automatically curls into him. I feel so much that my body starts to shake. Steven thinks it’s because of the rain and asks if I want to take a shower. Without thinking about it first, I ask if he wants to join me. He lifts his eyebrow and says, “upstairs, first door on the left.” Did I go too far? When I walk up the stairs, I look back. What I see then sets my body on fire. Steven stands half naked in the hallway and stares at me with dark eyes. I inadvertently lick my lips. Steven walks towards me with strong steps. Without saying a word, he lifts me in his arms and carries me up the stairs. I can hardly comprehend it, I feel like I’m in a romantic movie. He puts me down in the shower, even though I’m still wearing clothes. Before I know it, I feel warm water on my back. My bra and nipples become visible through my wet shirt. I can no longer hide my arousal. While Steven’s hands glide under my shirt, he looks at me for approval. I nod and within seconds, my shirt and bra are on the bathroom floor. He uses his hands and mouth to explore my entire body until he reaches the top of my jeans. I don’t have any control over my body anymore and I automatically push my hips forward. When he unzips my jeans and his fingers touch the top of my thong, a blazing heat rushes through me. I long for his touch and all I want now is feel this man inside of me. His body against mine isn’t close enough. I want everything, I want all of him. Steven isn’t ready yet however. He explores every inch of my body, my thighs, my loins… When he arrives at my breasts, he gently bites my nipple. A small amount of pain shoots through my body and it arouses me even more.

All I want is making my body one with Steven’s.

I have to control myself to stay calm. I want to rip his boxers from his body and have sex with him immediately. On the other hand, I want to enjoy this as long as possible and etch every inch of him in my memory. I go for the middle ground and go down on my knees. With a naughty smile, I look at Steven. I use my hands to pull his boxers to his ankles. My mouth is on the same level as his penis. Slowly, I start exploring. First I caress his thighs and then I use my tongue. I lick Steven and when he responds to this, I take him in my mouth completely. The fact that I arouse him makes me feel sexy and powerful. It also makes me even more aroused. Not much later, Steven pulls me up and goes down on his knees himself. He touches my clitoris with his thumb while he glides two fingers inside me. He knows exactly where to find my g-spot. My head falls back and I enjoy the moment. Every part of me comes alive and it feels fantastic. It’s like he wakes up my body from a long sleep and lights up the fire inside me. It doesn’t take long for me to come. I push my nails in his shoulders and let myself go completely. When I start to reach another orgasm a little later, he lifts me up so I can put my legs around him. Steven pushes me against the wall while he penetrates me. Sex in the shower has never been this good. Within moments, the heat rushes through my body and I feel a second wave approaching. Steven sees the lust in my eyes and increases the speed. He pushes inside me completely while a second orgasm presents itself. Steven lets himself go as well and with a couple of final thrusts we both orgasm at the same time. He plants a kiss on my nose and carefully puts me down. I wobble a little and hold him for support. Steven laughs and pulls me in for a tight hug. I close my eyes and feel like I’m floating on a cloud. I haven’t felt this way in a long time.

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