Interesting results of sex taboo research

Opmerkelijke uitkomsten van een sekstaboe-onderzoek

Almost 2,000 respondents filled in a questionnaire about sex taboos – for example, about whether you fantasise about someone else during sex. And whether you sometimes fake an orgasm when you’ve had enough for the day. Sometimes the results were what we’d expected and sometimes very surprising. These are the most interesting results!

“I’m always honest with my friends about how often I have sex”

Slightly less than half of the respondents fully agreed with this statement (scale 0-10). This means that a large proportion of people are not always honest about how often they have sex. Is this still a case of acting tough? Or shame, perhaps?

“I sometimes fantasise about someone other than my sex partner”

The vast majority of respondents sometimes fantasise about someone other than their sex partner. With an average rating of 6.4 (scale 0-10), it’s not very convincing, but it’s clear that our sexual fantasies sometimes take over. It’s striking that people who disagree with this statement, disagree very strongly. More than 200 people rated their answer as a 0. This group only fantasises about their sex partner. Who said romance is dead?

“I’m honest with my (sex) partner about the number of bed partners I’ve had”

If you have a (bed) partner, you can breathe a sigh of relief. While many people are still untruthful about how often they have sex, most seem to be honest about the number of their bed partners. More than 60% fully agree with this statement, and with an average of 8.5, it’s fair to say that people may (or may not) have made up a few more. Still, people are generally quite honest about this.

“I never fake my orgasm when it’s taking too long”

Despite the fact that 42% of the respondents indicated that they never fake an orgasm, there’s still a significant number of participants who indicate that they have. The average rating of 6.8 is therefore anything but promising. In other words: quite a few people have fooled someone before… and they probably still do it.

Reading tip: Better sex? Do you express your desires?

“My friends know which sex toys I have”

Once again, the results of this statement prove that the taboo on sex toys is slowly but surely disappearing! Despite the divided results, nearly 30% of the respondents agrees with this statement. Only 18% completely disagree. Still, it’s certainly encouraging that people are talking more often and more openly about sex (toys).


“I order my toys anonymously”

The outcome of this statement is very divided as well. Still, a small majority claims that they don’t order their toys anonymously. Well, it’s certainly nothing to be ashamed of, though it can sometimes be experienced as a bit embarrassing.

“I’d like to try out new things between the sheets and I’m open about this with my (sex) partner”

Talking about sex with your (bed) partner is essential. The results of this survey show (fortunately!) that the majority of respondents openly share their sex fantasies with their partners. Still, many say that they’re not comfortable doing so. For them, our message is: muster some courage and start talking. While it may feel a little uncomfortable in the beginning, you’ve really got nothing to lose!

“The idea of (beginner’s) BDSM turns me on”

On a scale of 0 to 10 – from disagree to agree – the average is almost a 6. This shows that a remarkable number of people get aroused by (soft) BDSM. What exactly attracts them to this isn’t clear, but what we do know is that both bdsm-products and articles about BDSM are extremely popular.


The extent to which these results surprise you, depends largely on your personal frame of reference regarding sex taboos. Still, it’s always interesting to see what goes on in people’s minds, especially when it comes to subjects that aren’t always openly discussed. In general, we can cautiously conclude that sex taboos are slowly but surely being broken. And that’s definitely a cause for celebration!

Reading tip: openness about sex: debunking the biggest sex myths

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