Which masturbator is the best? And which should I buy?

Both in our stores and online we get a lot of questions about masturbators, such as: Which masturbator is the best? Which masturbator should I buy? Is the Fleshlight really the best? Which masturbator suits me best? In order to be able to answer these questions, it’s important to know for what purpose you’re buying the masturbator. Do you want to use the masturbator together with your partner? Do you want to use this sex toy for masturbation? Important questions to consider before choosing a sex toy. You’ll find all information below.

Before we discuss all the different available masturbators, we’ll first provide you with a short explanation on masturbators and the various brands.

What is a masturbator?

A masturbator is a copy of a lifelike vagina, anus or mouth. This toy is also called a fake pussy, artificial pussy or fake vagina. Most masturbators are made of silicone or rubber.

There are several types of masturbators. Which one suits you best is mostly a case of personal preference. The most important aspect is how a masturbator feels on the inside. Various brands offer masturbators for sale. Fleshlight and Tenga are probably the best-known brands. Worldwide, Fleshlight is the best-selling sex toy for men. Right now the Tenga is conquering the world as well. Here you’ll find more information on the Fleshlight and the Tenga.

1. Fleshlight, the most popular toy for men

The Fleshlight has a handy, rigid housing in the form of a torch, making this toy look discrete as well. Fleshlights are made of durable ‘Real Feel Super Skin’. These artificial vaginas therefore almost feel exactly the same as a real vagina. Some men even achieve an orgasm more easily in the Fleshlight than with their wife or girlfriend. There are many types and sizes of Fleshlight and the textures also differ, so there will always be a favourite for you. The Fleshlight is easy to clean, ensuring pleasure for years.

Check out all Fleshlights >

2. Tenga, the disposable masturbator from Japan

The designers of Tenga think their masturbator is better than a real vagina. Do we agree? We say, try it and figure out for yourself where your preference lies. Right now Tenga is a strongly growing brand in sex toy land. In Japan it’s currently the top seller in sex toys. Strange, as the Tenga does not even resemble a real vagina, not even close. But as we said, feeling is more important than looks, as it turns out! The Tenga is very tight, very soft and always comes with a top quality lubricant included. A wonderfully wet and smooth experience when you stick your penis in.

Check out all Tenga masturbators >

1. Pocket models

By pocket models we mean the Fleshlights and Tengas of the world. Masturbators with a conveniently small size. On the outside they don’t even look like a sex toy. You can use these toys whenever you want, wherever you want. These models lie comfortably in the palm of your hand and are small and compact.

Go for a pocket model if you’re looking for:

♥ Lifelike feeling.
♥ Penis stimulation.
♥ Intense orgasm.

Check out all pocket models >

2. Blowjob simulator

Generally speaking, this type of masturbator looks like a mouth. We have models with vibration and suction and models without unnecessary fuss. These classic masturbators are mostly geared towards the feeling of oral gratification. There are several different designs, materials and sizes. If you take pleasure in simple and effective, a single dildo is certainly your thing.

Go for a blow job stimulator if you’re looking for:

♥ Oral stimulation.
♥ Lifelike feeling.
♥ Intense orgasm.

Check out all blowjob masturbators >

3. Lifelike models

We also have lifelike masturbators. For example, Pipedream has an extensive collection of ‘Extreme Masturbators’. The lifelike models are available in many different types, sizes, materials and versions. Everything’s been added to these masturbators, including lifelike labia, often an anus (for anal sex), sometimes a penis (more dildo) and sometimes the entire torso with voluptuous, large breasts for breast sex. The difference from other masturbators is that with lifelike models it’s all about the ‘real-life experience’. You can pleasure yourself in different ways with this toy. Would you like that? Then buy one of these masturbators.

Go for the lifelike models if you’re looking for:

♥ Variation in stimulation.
♥ Lifelike feeling.
♥ Intense and complete orgasm.

Check out all lifelike models >

4. Hands-free masturbators

This type of toy ensures that you have your hands free during masturbation. So you can fully enjoy it yourself, as well as take pleasure together with your partner and pleasing them while you enjoy the hands-free masturbator. Nowadays there are also hands-free models with smartphone holder. You can pleasure yourself with these while watching erotic images on your smartphone!

Tip: The Fleshlight has a accessory called the ‘shower mount’ that you can use to make a hands-free version of your Fleshlight.

Go for hands-free if you’re looking for:

♥ Optimal stimulation.
♥ An extra intense erotic experience.
♥ Intense and complete orgasm.

Check out all hands-free masturbators >

5. Vibrating masturbators

We also have vibrating masturbators. For instance, the Fleshlight has several vibrating models. These masturbators give off intense vibrations during masturbation, across the entire length of the penis. An intense and sensational feeling. You can use these models as both stimulator and masturbator.

Go for vibrating if you’re looking for:

♥ Electrical stimulation.
♥ Penis stimulation.
♥ Intense and complete orgasm.

Check out all vibrating masturbators >

6. Waterproof masturbators

Waterproof masturbators are perfectly suited for use in the shower or bath. Some hands-free and/or vibrating models are waterproof as well. If you want to change between bed, bath and shower, you can!

Go for waterproof if you’re looking for:

♥ Variation in experience.
♥ Penis stimulation.
♥ Intense and complete orgasm.

Check out all waterproof masturbators >

Cleaning a masturbator

Most masturbators can be cleaned quickly and easily using water. Take the masturbator apart as far as it can and rinse the separate pieces with water and soap. We also have a special toy cleaner that you can use to quickly and easily clean your sex toy. Try it some time. It’s great, as well as hygienic. Clean your toy properly after each use to prevent infections and other unpleasant experiences.

Choosing a masturbator

In addition to the model and/or function of the masturbator, there are several other aspects to consider before buying one, such as:

♥ Size (large or small/wide or tight)
♥ Colour (personal preference)
♥ Waterproof or not?

The best masturbator for you?

You might wonder what’s the best masturbator for you. Carefully read all the information provided above. The choice is a personal one and therefore depends on: which model you prefer. Which material you like the feel of. Which size, colour etc. will give you the most pleasure. Consider if you want a waterproof version or not, and you’re all set to buy a masturbator and get one that suits you best!

Tip: Our personal favourite is the Fleshlight. Currently it is the best masturbator in the world, bar none. They’re very easy to use! And… easy to clean as well.

Tip: always use plenty of lubricant, preferably water-based lubricant. This type of lubricant does not damage latex or silicone and is safe to use in combination with a condom.


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