7 signs you are in love

gay couple in love

Energy rushes through your body, you can feel butterflies in your stomach, and you feel very happy. Being in love in wonderful and has positive effects on your body and mind. But how do you find out if your in love? And is it really love or just infatuation? We have listed 7 signs that can help you determine whether you’re really in love or not.

In love: you want your lover to be happy

Apart from the fact that you can’t stop thinking about him or her and you could just spend every second of every day staring at them, all you really want is what’s best for your lover. Their happiness is a priority to you. Soon after you get together, you’ll find out if your partner’s happiness is truly important to you. According to research, this ‘love filled with compassion’ is one of the main signs of a healthy relationships. This means that you’re willing to do whatever you can to make your partner’s life easier and happier.

Not in love: negative feelings towards your partner

Having a negative view of your new relationship is a sign that you’re probably not in love. It’s completely normal to talk about the pros and cons of a relationship, but if this becomes a daily habit, it’s a sign that something isn’t right. And that’s difficult. Ending a new relationship is hard, because you both put time and energy into it and you don’t want to hurt your lover. However, it’s better for both of you if you end the relationship sooner than later.

In love: filled with energy

Everyone wants to impress their date or their new lover. If you notice that you’re constantly trying new things that your partner likes, you’re probably completely smitten. Some even say that you end up with different interests and personality traits after being in a relationship. Love is a wonderful adventure that might give you more than just a great partner.

Not in love: you don’t care if he or she is somewhere else

If you’re not upset when that so-called special person doesn’t call or text you for days, you’re not in love. And to be honest, your partner probably feels the same way. Not enjoying being around them or feeling your smile fade away when you are together is a major red flag. If you realise that the time you spend with your partner is no longer fun or even feels like a chore, it’s time to be honest with yourself.

In love: inexplicably stressed

Love is often associated with warm feelings and being a little out of sorts. After all, you’re constantly with your head in the clouds. But did you know that being in love triggers your brain to create the stress hormone cortisol? This can make you feel rushed or stressed without a reason. Are you suddenly very impatient or do other people easily get under your skin? Don’t worry. It’s probably all those love hormones rushing through your body.

Not in love: stress and irritation when you look at your partner

Feeling stressed and irritated when you look at your partner is a clear sign that you’re not in love. When your partner annoys you more and more, there’s a real chance that you’re not in love anymore. This feeling can sometimes be mistaken for love. It can make you feel hopeful that things will change, while you know deep inside your relationship is over. It can make you nervous, easily disappointed, and angry. Be honest to yourself and your partner. Ending the relationship is the best choice you can make at this point.

Love according to science

Apart from the signs we discussed, there is also scientific evidence to determine whether or not someone is in love. This is what researchers found:

You can’t stop looking at your partner

If you regularly catch your partner staring at you, chances are he or she is mad about you. Various researches seem to indicate that partners who make regular eye contact with each other have a stronger romantic connection than couples who don’t.

You feel less pain

Falling doesn’t hurt if you’re falling in love. Stanford University asked its research participants to stare at a picture of their lover and they discovered that the participants experienced 40% less pain than usual when the pain was moderate and 15% less pain than usual when the pain was severe. So, if you’re getting a tattoo, if you’re scheduled for surgery, or if you have something else planned that’s painful, don’t forget to bring a picture of your lover.

You feel high

Research conducted by the Kinsey Institute confirmed that this is not a figure of speech. If you’re in love, your brain creates dopamine, which makes your brain look the same as someone who is high on cocaine.

You sweat more

Research shows that being in love can cause nausea and sweating. So, if you’re nauseous and sweaty, it’s usually one of these three options: you’re hungover, you have the flu, or you’re in love.

You love his or her quirks

Your new lover might be someone who leads a boring reading club or is a huge nerd with a Star Wars toy collection. Things you normally wouldn’t consider cool, are now suddenly fun or cute. It makes your lover unique! Research shows that if you look beyond appearance and appreciate your partner’s quirkiness, you’re probably in love.

How did you know you were in love?

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