Increasing female libido: tips for loss of libido in women

Are you a woman with low sex drive? That is nothing to be ashamed of. About 20% of all women and 15% of all men experience loss of libido at some point. Additionally, there are not many people who have the same sexual needs as their partner. But if you want to boost your sex life by increasing your libido, we have some practical tips for you. And of course we will also explore the causes of loss of libido in women.
Causes of loss of libido in women
Low libido is defined as experiencing very little or no sexual pleasure and not being able to get aroused. Low sex drive can have a physical cause, but it is often caused by something else: a psychological issue or relationship problems. These are the most common causes of low libido in women:
- Emotions: women are emotional creatures. When you’re sad, angry, or fearful, the consequence is often that you are not able to enjoy sex to the fullest.
- Hormones: many women experience a decrease in libido caused by hormone changes during menstruation, menopause, or during or after pregnancy. This is because your body creates less oestrogen during these times. It can also cause a dry vagina.
- Taking the pill. Your sex drive can decrease if you use anticonception pills.
- Sexual abuse in your past: a very serious issue that should be handled with care by the victim and her partner. Don’t force anything and find professional help.
- Relationship problems: has one of you been unfaithful? Are you not as in love with your partner as before or are you not attracted to him/her anymore? These issues can all cause loss of libido.
- Fatigue: when you’re tired, for example because of your work or because you just had a baby, then all you want to do is sleep. You’re too exhausted to even think about sex.
- Stress: money problems, relationship problems, or a busy job can all cause stress. And when you’re stressed, it negatively affects your libido.
- Lack of confidence: if you are insecure about your body, then it can be hard to expose yourself. Insecurity can be caused by many different things, for example being overweight.
- Medication: if you use medications like antidepressants, epilepsy pills, beta-blockers or sedatives, it can cause loss of libido.
Low libido in women
As you can read above, low libido in women usually has an underlying problem. Often it is caused by something other than simply not being in the mood for sex. Do you have relationship problems because one of you has been unfaithful? Or maybe you’re not attracted to your partner anymore? Then it is not so much about loss of libido, but mostly about not wanting to have sex with your partner. You will have to deal with the cause of the issue: problems with your partner. A sexuologist for example can help you with this. With physical problems such as insecurity caused by being overweight, or a low libido caused by illness or menopauze, the underlying issue also needs to be dealt with in order to restore sex drive. This can vary from losing weight and working on your self-image to taking hormone pills. Talk to each other and talk to a professional if necessary, like your doctor, a psychologist, or another consultant.
No sex drive? Try this!
We can’t deny that loss of libido in women can have a clear cause. But is can also be the case that your partner is easier to arouse than you, which can make sex uncomfortable because you are not wet enough yet. Extended foreplay can increase your desire to have sex. For example, ask your lover to give you a sensual massage. A massage makes you feel relaxed and you will feel more sure of yourself. Additionally, you spend more time with each other, instead of going for a quickie when you’re not properly in the mood yet.
Increasing female libido
In order to increase female libido it is important to consider the underlying causes. If physical and psychological causes have been excluded, then there are other tools to increase your libido. This is possible with special aids, such as libido stimulators. You can choose Spanish Fly for women, which has a positive effect on the production of endorfin and oestrogen. Besides several libido stimulating drops and pills, there are also stimulating creames and sprays. These offer more sexual energy and have an arousing, stimulating effect. Or go for erotic perfume, with which you can attract men in a natural way.
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