Column: New year, new resolutions

resolutions 2021

A new year! And so we’re up for a new round of chances and opportunities. It’s safe to say that 2020 has been quite a surprise for all of us, with lots of unexpected challenges and opportunities. But we all had to deal with it. And we’re not there yet. We have no clue what 2021 is going to bring us, but I like to think that we’re a bit less clueless than we were around a year ago.

A year ago, my book was about to be released and the year would be full of book events. A year later, my book is up for it’s second edition, but it hasn’t seen a single public event. But I do feel blessed that it reached so many people in a year that was so challenging for so many relationships. I also feel blessed to be writing to you here now, and including you in those millions of people I got to talk to in the last year. And although I know that new year’s resolutions aren’t the most dependable, I would like to talk to you about some new year’s resolutions I hope you can keep up. And if you don’t succeed in the next twelve months, then try again in the months after that. Just promise me that you’ll keep trying no matter what.

This year’s resolution should be about you, about your health, your sexual wellness, and your relationships. It will take time, patience, curiosity, and a dash of love. My ultimate goal is for everyone to make their own decisions when it comes to their sexuality and relationships, based on personal experiences or conversations they’ve had. If you’re just ‘okay’ with the way things have evolved and are right now, simply because you’re doing what is expected of you or because it looks like what you think sexuality and relations should look like, that isn’t good enough for me.

In order to make your own decisions you will have to ask questions, to know what the options are, to engage in conversations that make you change your mind or question your own beliefs. To be curious and experience things, perhaps realizing some things aren’t really your cup of tea. To be open about possibilities, and then to be able to reject them.

Does this sound like a good new year’s resolution to you? And if it doesn’t work for this year, then for all those years that are still to come?

I would like to dare you to see where it gets you. To seek opportunities and take on every challenge that is waiting for you this year!

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