Why going on holiday together is good for your relationship

Why going on holiday together is important

Going on holiday with your partner is good for your relationship. What are the reasons for this? And is it bad to go on holiday without your partner? We have listed all the pros and cons for you!

Going on holiday: good for your relationship

Whether it’s because of deadlines, financial stress, children, sports, or housework, day-to-day life can be stressful. If you go on holiday together, you can take a step back from these daily concerns and pay more attention to each other. Research from the Arizona Department of Health shows that women who regularly go on a trip with their spouse are more satisfied with their married life than women who don’t.

Research from the U.S. Travel Association shows that couples who go on holiday together are happier with their relationship. They’re also more positive about the way they communicate, they are satisfied with the romanctic aspect of their relationship, they have a good sex life, and they spend enough quality time together. Seven out of ten participating couples say that having conversations and bonding with each other is a reason to go on holiday together. It’s also an opportunity to create new memories, which strengthens your bond.

Quality time: good for you and your relationship

Spending quality time with your lover on holiday is great for your relationship. Relationship therapist Sally Connolly says: “Couples feel more connected on holiday. People are more relaxed and are in a better mood. Laughing, physical activity, and sex increase oxytocin levels: the hormone that is responsible for connection.”

Apart from bonding as a couple, quality time is important to your individual needs as well. People who travel often give their own well-being much higher ratings than people who don’t go on trips regularly: 68.4 percent as compared to 51.4 percent.

Holiday reduces stress

Stress makes you more susceptible to illness, fatigue, irritation, depression, and memory loss. So all these things can be largely prevented by reducing your stress levels. Going on holiday can break the vicious circle of chronic stress. It also increases your mental strength, so you can handle every aspect of your life much better.

When you come home from holiday, chances are you are very focussed and productive at work. British researcher Scott McCabe says: “Holidays are good for your mental health. Going on holiday gives you some peace and quiet, you can take a break from work, expand your horizon, and learn from other cultures. It also gives you time to visit friends and family, which contributes to your social development.” According to McCabe, the health benefits of going on holiday are so significant that people who can’t afford to go on holiday should receive compensation.

Canadian research shows that active holidays, like golf trips or walking holidays, are stress-reducing for people with stressful jobs, like sollicitors.

What should you do on holiday?

Pay attention to each other

Finally, you’re on holiday together. But just because you now have a lot of spare time, that doesn’t mean you can do anything you want. Try to find activities that are fun for both you and your partner. For example, visit a market place or go out for dinner. A long walk on the beach is also a good idea, as it gives you a lot of time to talk about your relationship.

Enjoy the anticipation of going on holiday

Research shows that even planning a trip reduces stress and increases happiness. As soon as you start planning your trip, you can feel the anticipation. So forget about that organised trip and get your laptop out, sit on the sofa, and plan a trip together. Or go for the old-school approach: use your Lonely Planet guide!

What shouldn’t you do on holiday?

Leave your friends at home

Going on a trip with friends can be great, but it doesn’t leave much space for quality time with your lover. If you really want to put romance and passion back into your relationship, leave your friends at home and go on a trip with just your partner.

And your kids too

Even when you have children, it’s better to leave them at home. Can’t convince your parents to take care of your kids for a whole week? Perhaps your kids can stay with them for two nights. This way you can get away for the weekend without worrying about afternoon naps and diapers.

Don’t worry about work

Genuinely pay attention to each other when you’re on holiday. The last thing you should do is take your laptop with you to get some work done in the evening. Answering your work emails is also not done. It’s better to forget about work altogether for a week. Look at it as a learning process and an investment in your relationship.

What if you prefer solo trips?

If you’re used to going on holiday by yourself or with your friends and you want to keep doing this while you’re in a relationship, know that this is completely normal. Everyone is different and if you and your partner have different expectations of where to go and what to do on holiday, that can be a difficult situation.

Relationship expert Dr. Kimberley Moffit: “It’s very normal and healthy for people to go on holiday without their spouse. Different people take enjoyment out of different kinds of holidays. And enjoyment is what holidays are all about.” Besides, it’s completely normal for your partner to have fun without you every now and then. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to spend each holiday away from each other. Moffit: “If you want to go on a solo trip because you want to spend some time away from your partner, you should take a critical look at your relationship. So although it’s very healthy to go on a solo trip, I would recommend going on holiday together at least once a year. This allows you to focus on your relationship. Like a planned date night, a romantic holiday can make you feel connected to each other. Together you can dream about your future, set goals, and make new memories.

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