The fantastic benefits of being naked

Perhaps you already knew, perhaps you didn’t, but being naked is very healthy. Most people are only naked in the shower and during sex. But take a moment to think about when we were young. We ran around naked quite often back then, and even though you might not remember it very well; it was fantastic. When we get older, we learn that we have to cover ourselves up. And of course you can’t go to work without wearing any clothes (depending on your job, admittedly), but not putting on any clothes once in a while will do wonders. We’ll share five fantastic benefits of being naked.

It will boost your confidence

Many people feel insecure about certain parts of their body. These are often small things that others don’t even notice, such as scars, cellulite, too much fat, too little fat… We feel comfortable if we can cover those parts of our body up with clothing. What this actually does is hiding a part of yourself that you should really just accept. If you see yourself naked more often and sleep naked as well, it becomes easier to accept what you don’t like about your body, because you’re confronted with them more often. Eventually, you’ll start to realise that this is your body and you should be proud of it. Learn to accept your body by acknowledging your imperfections and embracing them. Does the idea of being naked more appeal to you, but is complete nudity too much? Start by wearing beautiful lingerie. Leave your clothes in your wardrobe and invest in a couple of elegant lingerie sets. By wearing sexy lingerie, you’ll feel beautiful, feminine, and powerful. And if you have a partner who sees you walk around the house in your seductive lingerie, they won’t be able to keep their eyes off you. Those hungry eyes will already give you a boost of confidence.

It’s great for your relationship

The fact that being naked is good for your relationship is actually not that surprising. Skin on skin contact stimulates the production of the love hormone oxytocin. If you and your partner cuddle without wearing any clothes more often, this provides a great feeling of connection. Of course being naked in the bedroom has another advantage as well. If you’re not wearing any clothes, nothing gets in the way when you decide to have sex.

You’re more vulnerable

We often use clothes to express ourselves, but it can also be used as protection. For example by wearing loose clothing to hide what your body actually looks like, choosing crazy and fun patterns to hide your negative feelings, or wearing black as a mask of detachment. If you’re naked more often, there is nothing for you to hide behind. This forces you to be vulnerable and gives you the opportunity to reflect on how you really feel and who you are without your clothing style. Time for self-reflection and self-love.

Sleeping naked leads to a good night’s sleep

Some nights you sleep well and other nights you don’t. This depends on many different factors. However, there is one thing you should keep in mind if you want a good night’s sleep: body temperature. In your sleep, your body naturally cools itself down. The faster your body can cool down, the easier it is for you to fall asleep. If you wear pyjamas or other nightwear in bed, it hinders the natural cooling system of your body, which affects your sleep. So just take it all off! Sleep naked and don’t deprive yourself of a great night’s sleep.

Being naked more often is great for personal hygiene

Especially if you’re a woman, sleeping naked has a positive influence on your health. Your vagina is a warm, moist place that needs to breathe every now and then. Wearing tight underwear every day and night definitely doesn’t contribute to a healthy vagina. Make sure your vagina can breathe during the night by not wearing any underwear in bed.

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